Treadmills are a simple and effective bit of equipment that can supplement your exercise regime. They allow you to train for running events or just keep on top of your fitness without leaving the comfort of your own home. When looking to buy a Treadmill, there are a few things to consider; ease of operation, size, reliability, and features. So keep read to find out which one is suited to your needs.
1. NordicTrack T 6.5 S
Our top treadmill is the NordicTrack T 6.5 S. The nordictrack company is one of the most well known and easily recognizable names within the fitness industry they are synonymous with quality when it comes to equipment if you are considering buying a new treadmill for use at home then nordictrack is your best bet for a satisfying purchase this unit provides advanced technology innovations to help keep you engaged in all your workouts as training features are crucial to your success nordictrack has created several mechanisms to keep you engaged in your fitness goals this treadmill has power controlled 0 to 10 incline and 0 to 10 miles per hour speed customization options at the most basic level these options allow you to increase or decrease your incline and speed incrementally at any point during a workout with a one touch button what’s more these customization options enable you to design your fitness challenges and interval workouts for someone who prefers a more manual workout routine with its next level of training customization comes the capability of streaming a variety of program workouts from the expanding library of on-demand workouts if you prefer you can take it even further with ifit capabilities this gives the option to have what is essentially an in-home personal trainer who is available at the touch of a button moreover if you struggle with boredom when you train on a treadmill the 10 inch interactive hd touchscreen display will keep you engaged it has a clear image and full wifi connectivity which helps make this display one of the best in the industry finally the nordic track t 6.5 s treadmills belt is the perfect length and width for all fitness levels from casual walkers to steady joggers to more serious runners training with intervals or sprints.
Pros :
- It has a highly customisable incline and speed option.
- It’s incredibly well constructed.
- It provides a series of tools to assist your training regime.
- It has an excellent display with full wi-fi compatibility.
Cons :
- It has no input for headphones and instead puts audio through the inbuilt speakers this makes using some of the training options difficult.
2. Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400
The second product on our list is the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400. This treadmill from sunny health and fitness is a solid well-built home exercise device with an excellent 2.2 horsepower motor that offers a very smooth and noise-free running experience this high-end motor allows you to run up to 9 miles per hour with fine 0.1 miles per hour incremental adjustments to speed this means you can control the overall rate of movement from the device’s console with simple adjustments or you can utilize its convenient controls on the hand grips allowing you to maintain your total concentration while running the sft 4400 treadmill also gives you three incline levels so that you can adjust your intensity to burn more of those calories this treadmill makes exercising in the comfort of your own home easy convenient and fun this unit’s ability to incline on a treadmill is an excellent option for increasing the intensity of your workout without needing to change to program it or change the settings like the last product on this list the sunny health and fitness treadmill has three incline position options available you do have to manually set these positions which isn’t optimal as it means you’ll need to exercise the entire time at one incline setting or you’ll have to stop working out to adjust while it is a bit inconvenient it’s what you’ll find on almost every treadmill in this price range moreover the sft 4400 treadmill provides nine separate workout programs these preset programs make superb motivators for keeping you on the treadmill a little longer each time and for keeping you coming back to engage in more regular workouts it helps you to see the improvements to your fitness over time another great feature of this computer is that it allows for heart rate monitoring this enables you to optimize your performance by tracking your current pulse and keeping it within the target heart zone to burn tons of calories.
Pros :
- It has a quiet but powerful motor.
- It has various training programs available.
- Its heart rate monitoring feature makes workouts easier to manage.
Cons :
- Its weight capacity is only 220 pounds which is lower than others on this list.
3. XTERRA Fitness TR150
The third product on our list is the XTERRA Fitness TR150. When looking at buying a home treadmill online it can be tricky to consider all the thousands of different available models there are so many exercise machines available with numerous different prices and features you could end up spending days or even weeks simply researching to find the right one for you suppose budget is an issue for you but you need good quality functionality and a highly rated entry level running machine in that case you’ll definitely want to take a look at the xterra fitness tr 150 folding treadmill this exterior has a solid range of features and an affordable price it comes with a manual incline adjustment option that’s great for increasing the intensity of your run the incline has two rear stabilizers fitted at the bottom end of the tread belt on the side of the machine so if you need to get extra elevation just pull the pin out of the stabilizers move it to the desired point and reinsert the pin to secure it in place this is very easy to do when the treadmill isn’t moving but it’s not really suitable for some types of incline hiit workouts where you need the incline to adjust automatically at the touch of a button furthermore the xterra has a pretty large lcd display which makes it easy to see and read the digital features this allows you to monitor time lapsed distance traveled calories burned and pulse rate by simply gripping the sensor bars even better unlike some products all settings are in imperial units such as miles per hour and feet and your running distance is conveyed on a virtual running race track which can be located on the left hand side of the screen with this system one lap equates to a quarter mile so four laps equates to one mile this makes things like interval training and lab practice much more straightforward additionally there are 12 preset fitness programs to aid your workout or there is a manual running option if you’re more confident in creating your own workout system the preset programs are pretty good though they make use of interval based 30 minute sessions the speed varies up and down through the preset programs every three minutes automatically so you can increase or decrease the speed rate according to your current ability levels or running aims for the more advanced users the manual option will give you complete control so you can simply run and change speed as you train lastly the console also gives you space to place a tablet book or other personal accessories to make endurance sessions less boring.
Pros :
- It allows for elevation adjustment.
- It provides simple clear measurements.
- Its programmable settings make training easier.
Cons :
- It has no bluetooth facility or any other way to hook up to any other mobile fitness apps.
4. SereneLife
up next in 4th place is the SereneLife. Serene life improving your fitness is more important than anything else today the number of gyms out there has gone up 10 fold and for good reason what’s more many of us have home gyms as well to help keep us fit and healthy it’s often a lot easier and more cost effective to have just one machine for working up a sweat with a fitness regime we plan ourselves it’s apparent that having the best treadmill for your home makes a lot of sense yet many people ask why we should choose a treadmill instead of any other exercise machine the answer is quite simple treadmills are known to give our bodies the most efficient workout possible at home most other devices are equipped to work on only certain parts of your body while running on a treadmill means a full-fledged total body cardiovascular workout that will help build muscle endurance and improve the health of your heart and lungs with serene life every feature of this treadmill has been designed to keep you steadily moving toward your fitness goals even when it’s running you won’t even notice its sound since the motor used in it is pretty much noiseless this way you enjoy a good morning run in peace and without disturbing anyone else at the same time an extended 40 inch running deck provides you extra space to run comfortably furthermore the maximum weight that this treadmill can handle is 265 pounds so it can easily handle all your rigorous workout sessions even better all the details about your workout will be visible on the lcd provided additionally the speed settings are also adjustable and go up to 6 miles per hour so you can choose a pace that would suit your legs and the preset training modes are really helpful for those just getting into the running scene.
Pros :
- It’s got a spacious running deck it’s robustly made.
- It has multiple training presets.
Cons :
- It has limited incline adjustment.
The fifth product on our list is the REDLIRO JK1608. If you’re just looking to get in some miles from the comfort of your home during a lockdown or happen to be lucky enough to have a well-equipped gym at home adding a treadmill can go a long way to helping you train as hard or as easily as you’d like even better in the cold winter months a treadmill is a brilliant option for when the weather puts you off heading outside for a run plus with a treadmill set up in the spare room you’ll save a lot of time faffing around looking for the right layers and instead get straight into the workout the red liro jk1608 folding treadmill has a 2.25 horsepower and three level incline and is designed for walking jogging and running at home this sturdy and durable treadmill features an alloy steel frame and is compact and portable with a space-saving design it has a pretty decent maximum user weight recommended by the manufacturer of 220 pounds and you can fold it up effortlessly and move it on its transportation wheels to store it in a convenient place this makes it much more suitable for use in small flats you’ll find four convenient buttons on the handrail for increasing and decreasing your speed in addition to start and stop without needing to reach the front control panel there are also heart rate sensors on the handrails connected to the multi-functional easy to read and operate lcd backlit display with these standard indicators of distance traveled time exercised current speed calories burned scan function and heart rate furthermore there is a manual incline adjuster with three levels to help you burn more calories strengthen and tone muscles and build endurance a nice touch with this unit is that you can listen to music or watch videos while exercising thanks to the built-in tablet holder this will help you workout longer and burn off more calories without realising how the time passes lastly the 5 layer tread belt has efficient shock absorption it provides an effective and safe cushioning for your joints ankles knees muscles and back when you’re exercising thus reducing the chance of injury.
Pros :
- It’s compact so easy to transport or fold away.
- It has a helpful display screen.
- It comes with a tablet or smartphone holder.
Cons :
- It is worth noting that all the measurements are in metric so you’ll need to convert.